Paolo Casentini


“İmplant diş hekimliğinde interdisipliner tedavi: cerrah prostodontist’ten hangi bilgileri almalı ve tersi”

Title: "Interdisciplinary treatment plan in implant dentistry: what the surgeon needs to know from the prosthodontist and what the prosthodontist needs to know from the surgeon"

Modern implantology is based on the concept of prosthetically driven implant placement. Despite this concept should be well known, in many cases, comunication between the implant surgeon and the prosthodontist is missing and this can affect the final result. The correct treatment plan should start with a comprehensive prosthetic project that should include, quite often, the restoration of adjacent teeth by means of traditional or bonded prostheses. Bone augmentation procedures should also be based on the restorative treatment plan. From the surgical side, mucogingival surgery can be used to improve teh soft tissue architecture at implants and adjacent teeth.The lecture will analyze main prosthetic and surgical  concepts that represent the base for a modern interdisciplinary treatment plan and should known by all components of the Team. A selection of HD videos will also be included in the presentation.


Graduated in Dentistry at the University of Milan Italy

Teacher at the Post-Graduate  Course in Oral Implantology  and at the Course of Oral Surgery at  the University of Milano-Italy.

Active member of the the Italian society of Osseointegration

Active member of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology

Fellow of the ITI (Intenational Team for Implantology). Coordinator of an ITI Study Club in Milan.

Chairman of the Italian section of ITI

Member of the Italian Society of Periodontology.

Author or co-author of scientific papers about Implantology and Regenerative Surgery published on peer-reviewed international journals.

Co-author of 8 text-books about Implantology, Pre-Implant  Surgery and Oral Surgery some of them published in English and/or translated in several other languages. Co-author of the ITI Treatment Guide volume 4.

His main fields of interest are the surgical and prosthetical aspects of Implantology, Periodontology and Prosthetic Rehabilitation in Advanced and Esthetically demanding cases

He has extensively lectured on these topics in more than 30 Countries in Europe, Middle East, United States, South America and Asia.